Are you supporting your leaders to improve their digital fluency?Equip your leaders with digital skills and behaviours needed to lead by example in your digital or hybrid workplace

Empower your leaders to confidently create, communicate, collaborate, coordinate, and engage in your digital communitiesGuide your leadership team towards increased confidence applying digital behaviours


Guided by an Adopt & Embrace Adoption Consultant, develop the right digital behaviours for your Leaders with Adopt & Embrace’s 5Cs of Applied Digital Leadership.

This engagement is grounded in Adopt & Embrace’s 5C Framework.  This framework helps managers, executives, and their EAs to embed digital technologies and behaviours across their different work modes

  • Creating;
  • Communicating;
  • Collaborating;
  • Coordinating; and
  • Community engagement

This framework helps leaders identify positive (or negative) behaviours, as well as the sensible default technology choices across Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, Planner, and the rest of Office 365 for the different work they need to do throughout their day.

What will we focus on during the Digital Leader engagement?

Ensure your leaders and their EAs have the foundational knowledge they need of Office 365 to participate in the discussions

Group based workshop to define and agree the right digital leadership behaviours for your department, and organisation

Up to three 1:1 or small group coaching sessions per leader /EA pair to help embed agreed digital behaviours into the way they work

Up to three use cases emerging from the workshop and coaching exercises will be documented as patterns that can be shared with other leaders across the organisation

Understand the leadership use cases/exemplar stories and answer any related questions

DeliverableReflections Report

Up to 30 slides in length, the deliverable will contain:

  • A compilation of the three exemplar stories of how leaders and their EAs are currently applying digital leadership behaviours to deliver team / department / or organisation wide value. These patterns can be reused across the organisation during and after the launch of the campaign (including video interview with leader)
  • A summary of recommended changes to improve digital behaviours across the organisation
Let us guide you in the right direction

Qualify the right digital leadership behaviours to pilot across your executive or management team

Co-design solutions and develop engaged leaders at the same time

Coach the participants over 4 weeks to put the solution into practice and embed behaviours

Capture exemplar stories of digital leadership in practice, and share across your organisation

AUD $18,000

ex GST | Digital Delivery