Adopt & Embrace's

Office 365 Use Case:

Collaborating on validating a proposal

As someone in...

…a team lead role in our Business Innovation Directorate (BID)

As one of the 5 branch leads in the Business Innovation Directorate (BID) we all have a part to play in validating internal proposals. Once my part is done as the Business Engagement lead, it goes to the next branch to validate it from their area of expertise – but at this point it becomes a black-box to me ie. I’m not in the loop unless I start chasing people to know the progress.

I'm faced with...

…low awareness of the progress of decisions and outcomes of an internal customer engagement

I don’t know the whole story​, I try to piece together decisions from emails​, often I hear about an update from floor staff​, I need to wait for meetings to be in the loop​. And I’m not confident that an email I have or attachment that I’m looking at is the latest that I can go by (perhaps there’s new developments that didn’t make it to my inbox).

I want to...

…improve BID cross-branch conversations/awareness about internal customer engagements.

As a Business Engagement lead, after my conversation with the internal customer proposal, I hand them to one of the 5 other branches to proceed with the analysis of the proposal – and would like their interactions to be more visible and accessible so I can self-serve awareness of the progress of the proposal.


…Microsoft Teams channels, Video Meetings, Files and OneNote

A Team with a channel for each internal customer – where the proposal is stored and updated, progress and questions are posted, minutes are saved in OneNote. Ultimately a connected and visible back and forth to get to the final agreed proposal. Once the board approves the proposal then a Team could be set up for that project.

I'll know this is
successful when...

...I have access to the latest updates on the progress of the proposal whenever I need

At any point in time, I can self-serve awareness of the progress of a proposal including the latest version, recent minutes and/or read a progress post.

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