Adopt & Embrace's

Office 365 Use Case:

DIY Digital Showcase Conference

As someone in...

…a Teaching role

Although I’m not accountable in the upskilling of teachers – as a teacher I would like to take the initiative to come together with other teachers and have a show and tell day.

I'm faced with...

…the need to ease the pressure we feel when going at it alone to learn new digital skills

When I talk to my peers, we are all learning different and amazing things and I feel that I don’t have the time in the day to take it all onboard and utilise it in my practice – it feels quite overwhelming that there’s a lot I could be doing.

I want to...

…organise a show and tell day where my peers will demo their new skills to help me get started

I want to share knowledge with other teachers by organising a show & tell informal conference. A way to fastrack learning of skills that we can apply immediately, and to build support and confidence in teachers that they are not alone in their trajectories of building new competencies.


…Teams meeting, Channels, Stream, Lists, Files

We would like to create a Team to plan a time and day, and have participants edit the Microsoft List to put in the details of when and what their demo will be. Then we will schedule a Teams meeting and record it. Before, during, and after we can use our channel to send updates and ask questions. Any discussion about a particular session can happen as a conversation on the item in the Microsoft List. Any resource materials about a session can be uploaded in the Files tab and referenced in the List item.

I'll know this is
successful when...

Teachers walk away with the potential to apply what they learnt and build their digital skill repertoire.

Teachers walk away feeling less pressure, and more confident in their digital literacy.

Teachers walk away with known experts to reach out to.

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